Our Lady Queen of Peace Ranch
Camp for underprivileged children

Established in 1988 by the founder of Walton, Patrick Doherty and his wife Maureen, Our Lady Queen of Peace® (Southern Alberta) Ranch Ltd. (OLQP) is a non-for-profit organization located in southern Alberta, Canada, and designated to accommodate children aged 0 to 18 having physical, mental, financial and / or emotional challenges.
Horseback riding, wagon rides pulled by a tractor, hiking, fishing, canoe and barbecue lunches are some of many activities that make the experience unforgettable for these children and add moments of joy and happiness to their life!
Since its inception, the organization has expanded to accommodate about 25,000 children who can benefit from an educational experience and unique outdoor activities completely FREE! And so far, this adventure has touched the lives of more than 250,000 people.
The Ranch is governed by a small Board of Directors made up of volunteers, whose vision for the Ranch is the continual growth to further instill self-confidence, adaptability, self-acceptance and sense of belonging to the youth of tomorrow.
The TIMC Team exploring this beautiful site in Alberta
International Humanitarian Projects
The Doherty family is involved in various philantropic efforts not only in Alberta, Canada, but also in a number of countries around the world.
In Tanzania, the Doherty family built a primary school, a college and a high school.
Southwest of Mexico City, several projects have also emerged with the valuable assistance of the Our Lady Queen of Peace® Foundation (Canada) Inc., including an orphanage.
At Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina, the organization founded a shelter for abused women and their children to provide them with a safe place to go.
For an overview of the various projects of the Foundation worldwide, CLICK HERE.
Walton is committing $75,000 to charitable causes (related to the well-being of children and single mothers) in each one of the regions in which it is actively doing business.
By contributing to the success of Walton, clients, partners in business and employees are indirectly contributing to supporting the OLQP Foundation and the various causes it supports.
This type of kindness, generosity and charitable spirit/action in the community has not gone unnoticed – Patrick and Maureen Doherty were appointed to the “Order of Canada” in 2009, which is the highest award that a civilian can receive in Canada.
We are very proud of Walton, our partner in Land Investments, helping us in effectively representing our holistic approach of preserving our clients' wealth and future.