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Life at TIMC Blog

When Clients Become Mentors

Posted by Nicolas Martin, Private Client Relations Advisor on Mar 6, 2019 3:41:51 PM


How lucky am I to meet with successful businessmen and entrepreneurs on a monthly basis? Have you ever received advice or picked the brain of a successful businessmen from outside your own country?

Well, I have. It was not in a situation where one would pay to attend a key note speaker surrounded by hundreds of other attendees. It was in his own home. Sitting on his couch, next to him. Sharing Arabic coffee, dates, and homemade sweets.

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Topics: Life at TIMC, commerce international, Workplace Culture, International Business

Joining TIMC

Posted by Melissa Godmer, Planner - Citizenship By Investment on Feb 14, 2019 5:00:55 PM


I recently joined TIMC, and I would love to share my experience for those interested in knowing more about this wonderful company and its team atmosphere. I have been more than happily surprised since the beginning. I have found out that everything I was told about the company is true.

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Topics: Life at TIMC, Workplace Culture

Arriving in Saudi Arabia as an Advisor

Posted by Nicolas Martin, Private Client Relations Advisor on Feb 7, 2019 4:26:52 PM


It's about 3PM on a Thursday and it’s time to head to the airport. My flight is only at 6:30PM but we all know what the construction/traffic situation is like in Montreal these days, especially in the winter. I am feeling good and mostly excited. I am focused and constantly going over my checklist to make sure I did not forget anything.

After the usual check-in and baggage drop process, I can enjoy a nice drink at the airport, still double checking everything in my bag, even though it does not really make a difference at this point if I forget something.

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Topics: Life at TIMC, Work Trip, Travel

De simples aventures

Posted by Jordan Lanoue, Conseiller Relations Clientèle Privée on Nov 16, 2018 11:32:31 AM


Au cours de mes nombreux voyages, rencontres et péripéties, je suis toujours surpris de constater l’impact que certains de nos gestes peuvent avoir sur les autres. 

Je l’ai constaté récemment en invitant un de mes bons amis du Mali, devenu aujourd’hui Canadien grâce au Programme Immigrant Investisseur du Québec, à un match de hockey de nos glorieux Canadiens de Montréal au centre Bell.

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Topics: Life at TIMC, Rewarding Work

Handling New Responsibilities

Posted by Alicia Renaud, Digital Marketing Specialist on Sep 28, 2018 2:31:52 PM


Have you ever been in a situation where circumstances changed, and all of a sudden you had a multitude of new responsibilities and didn't know how to handle it? This can happen to anyone in any setting - professional or personal - and I am for sure right smack in the middle of it professionally. 

At the beginning of August, I was told I would be gaining much more responsibility at work. Not only would I be working directly with TIMC's president to run the marketing department, but I would have much, much more work that I had previously had throughout my time at TIMC. I am not ashamed to say I was a little nervous, but mostly excited.

Going from a one page job description to a four page job description is definitely intimidating. Here I will discuss how to handle new responsibilities and all the opportunities for learning that come with them. 

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Topics: Life at TIMC, Workplace Culture

Ma carrière chez TIMC et les voyages qui viennent avec

Posted by Jordan Lanoue, Conseiller Relations Clientèle Privée on Aug 16, 2018 6:54:00 AM

À Shirley Heights, Antigua-et-Barbuda 

Cet article résume mes voyages effectués depuis les 4 dernières années chez TIMC, qui totalisent plus de 53 voyages en avion!

Il est facile pour moi d’admettre que mon rêve de travailler en représentation et développement d’affaires à l’international est accompli à ce jour, et je suis certain que l’avenir est également prometteur.

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Topics: Life at TIMC, commerce international

Deux mois chez TIMC

Posted by Maxime Payette, Conseiller Relations Clientèle Privée on Aug 9, 2018 10:35:53 AM

L'équipe de ventes et moi (2ième personne à droite) à Antigua-et-Barbuda avec notre partenaire de Nonsuch Bay

Si je peux résumer mes deux premiers mois chez TIMC en quelques mots, ce serait « Work hard, play hard ».

Pour apprécier le poste de Conseiller Relations Clientèle Privée, il faut être prêt à mettre du temps les soirs et les weekends, vouloir faire partie d’une équipe soudée et avoir l’ambition de se dépasser et de sortir de sa zone de confort tous les matins.

Presqu'un retour à l'école

Lors des premiers mois, c’est littéralement un retour à l’école. Il y a beaucoup de matière à retenir et à connaître sur le bout de ses doigts.

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Topics: Life at TIMC, Joining TIMC, Training

A Week In Antigua: Workshop 2018

Posted by Alicia Renaud, Digital Marketing Specialist on Aug 3, 2018 3:26:57 PM

The team at the beach after our tour of the Island

In the first week of June 2018, the entire company hopped on a plane and met up in Antigua and Barbuda, for our annual company workshop. This year’s location was selected by our Workshop Committee and President. They chose Antigua and Barbuda so that we could get to know the partners we work with there, visit the properties we sell, and get to know this beautiful country. It’s always easier to promote something you have seen yourself in person, so what other choice did they have? Antigua and Barbuda was the perfect place for us to work, relax, and get some good quality team bonding (and tanning) in.

Here I will give you a recount of our trip, people we met, things we ate, places we visited and beaches we swam at.

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Topics: Life at TIMC, Workplace Culture, Work Trip

Getting Past That Afternoon Slump

Posted by Alicia Renaud, Digital Marketing Specialist on Jul 23, 2018 5:00:01 PM

The team at Rutherford Park during Lunch

Everyone is familiar with the "Afternoon Slump". 

You come into the office full of energy in the morning, get a little tired but then break to have lunch, and then around 3PM, you're exauhsted, unmotivated, miserable, and snacky.

We are happy to say that (as we know lots of research has shown and are not claiming this discovery is our own) we have found the cure for the afternoon slump. Can you guess what it is?

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Topics: Life at TIMC, Workplace Culture

Histoire amusante de Jordan

Posted by Alicia Renaud, Digital Marketing Specialist on Jun 22, 2018 11:32:29 AM

                    Jordan devant les pyramides de Gizeh pendant l'un de ses voyages en Égypte!

Durant leurs voyages d'affaires, nos Conseillers vivent des expériences incroyables et très différentes de leur vie au Canada. 

Travailler de l'autre côté du monde apporte aussi des changements dans la manière dont on fait des affaires. Nos Conseillers ont beaucoup appris pendant leurs séjours à l'extérieur du pays.

Voici une vidéo de Jordan dans laquelle il raconte la première fois qu'il a mangé avec ses mains.

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Topics: Life at TIMC, commerce international

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This blog was created in order give you a peek into what it's like to work at TIMC.

Find out what Life at TIMC is really like, and read about everything from what it's like in a day at the office, our adventures in and out of Montreal, what it's like working with people from different cultures, and everything in between.

A propos de notre blogue carrières

Ce blogue a été créé afin de vous donner un aprçu de ce que signifie travailler chez TIMC.

Découvrez ce que la vie chez TIMC représente vraiment et lisez sur tout ce qui se passe dans une journée au bureau, nos aventures à Montreal et à l'extérieur de la ville, le travail d'équipe avec des personnes de différentes cultures, et tout le reste! 

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